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LSC Weather Policy Summary

LSC Weather Policy Summary

Soccer is played in many different weather conditions. Players and parents should check ahead for the forecast and plan accordingly. Practices and games will continue unless severe weather (thunder, lightning, excessive heat, etc.) is present. Coaches may cancel a practice if they feel it is not safe or appropriate to be outside. The Louisville Soccer Club will postpone any games if necessary due to weather or field conditions.

Coaches, athletes, and contest officials shall be educated regarding the signs indicating thunderstorm development. Since the average distance between successive lightning flashes is approximately two to three miles, in most cases whenever lightning can be seen or thunder is heard, the risk is already present. 


  • If lightning is imminent or a thunderstorm is approaching, all personnel, athletes, and spectators shall evacuate to available safe structures or shelters. The best shelter is a large fully enclosed, substantially constructed building. A vehicle with a solid metal roof & metal sides is a reasonable second choice.


  • Competition or practice shall be suspended once lightning has been recognized OR thunder is heard. It is required to wait at least 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning is witnessed OR thunder is heard prior to resuming practice or competition. Given the average rates of thunderstorm travel, the storm should move 10-12 miles away from the area. This significantly reduces the risk of local lightning flashes. Any subsequent lightning or thunder after the beginning of the 30-minute count shall reset the clock, and another count shall begin.

More details can be found in the links below.

Prevention of Heat Illness

Prevention of Heat Illness

Louisville Soccer Club will follow the same Heat Index Policy as recommended by OHSAA. The policy requires measuring heat and humidity 30 minutes prior to the activity starting, and then throughout the activity. Below are a few examples of the types of accommodations under each zone

  • Heat index under 95 - water breaks and cooling towels optional
  • Heat index 95 -99 - water readily available, mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes. Towels and ice made available
  • Heat index 99-104 - Continue 95-99 degree protocols. Alter uniforms and equipment. Reduce time or move indoors
  • Heat index 104+ - suspend all outdoor activity

Lightning Safety Outdoors

Lightning Safety Outdoors

**Information from US Youth Soccer**

Each year, about 400 children and adults in the U.S. are struck by lightning while working outside, at sports events, on the beach, mountain climbing, mowing the lawn, or during other outdoor activities. About 80 people are killed and several hundred more are left to cope with permanent disabilities. Many of these tragedies can be avoided. Finishing the game, getting a tan, or completing a work shift aren't worth death or crippling injury.

  • All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous. Lightning kills more people each year than tornadoes.
  • ...

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Louisville Soccer Club
P.O. Box 426
Louisville, Ohio 44641


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